
Hi guys!! How was church with daddy this morning? And did you have fun at Evan’s birthday party? What was your favorite part of the day, Jacob? What was your favorite part of the day, Leona? And daddy? Did you guys eat anything yummy? 

This morning, we got up a bit late because we’re all still struggling with jet lag. And Rachel Ah-Yi and I stayed up late chatting.

This is our daily mirror selfie! It’s been drizzling a lot today, so we had to dress warmly. 

We wanted to go to a pastry shop but most places were closed today. So we stopped at a restaurant and had this meal. This salad was all I ate all day (and right now it’s 7pm and we haven’t eaten dinner yet. I’m a little hangry heh heh). 

After we ate, we walked to a sculpture museum, Musee Rodin. The sculptor that it is named after is known as the modern founder of sculpture. Most of the sculptures inside were made by him from when he lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s. 

We felt silly, so we took pictures while posing with some sculptures. That’s Baby Nellie’s mommy posing, with Cece’s and Duke’s mommy taking a picture. 

And here is Duke’s mommy posing with a statue. 

And here is meeee in front of the Thinking Man, which is one of Rodin’s most famous sculptures. 

Also, here is a Van Gogh that was at the museum! Jacob, you studied Van Gogh in class right? Do you recognize his style of painting?

There also was so many sketches that Rodin and other artists made, before they made their sculptures. It’s amazing how much practice and preparation goes into their final product. 

After the museum, we went to Bon Marche, which is the oldest department store in the WORLD. It was founded in 1838, which means it is 185 years old!! Wow. There’s so much history here, it’s so cool. 

In this picture, Rachel Ah-Yi is buying something for her house. And we met the co-founder, who is an Asian French woman!



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